
Showing posts from May, 2015

Upcycling - doll's pushchair gets a new seat

It didn't take long until the original flimsy seat for the doll's pushchair had been broken. Someone I know very well beat me to repairing it and did it "bloke style"......  silver tape and staples! Taking the original seat apart to use as a pattern would have been super easy, so I decided to make a new cover rather than try to mend the old one; after all it was now full of staples and sticky icky tape... However, when doing a google search, I came across a brilliant tutorial by Jaime at Pretty Prudent ( click for the link ). It even has standard measurements for the seat; perfect if you don't have the pushchair, but are making it as a surprise for someone else! For the new cover, I wanted something childish, but not too pink and girlie... Please ignore the measurements in the picture... This blue sweet fabric from the Charlie and the Chocolate Factory series (Roald Dahl) was perfect. For the back, I used a pink fabric with red tiny dots from IK...

UK Mini Swap for Instagram users - thank you

In November last year I kicked off a UK Mini Swap, for Instagram users, with a postal address in the United Kingdom.  When I opened the signups, I was hoping for 20-25 people to join. To get another 100 on top of that was rather mind blowing!!! There were some amazing minis made in this swap and I have included some below (in the order provided by Instagram). If you are an Instgram user, a search for  #ukminiswapreceived should give all received minis (if correctly tagged). Alternatively, do a google search for the same hashtag and you should be able to see a selection too. Received minis: Everything tagged with the UK Mini Swap tag: A huge THANK YOU to everyone who took part, and especially to the Swap Mamas; without you it wouldn't have been possible - Heidee   Instagram/sewnsomethings , Donna   Instagram/themodernmaker  an...

Facebook based mini swap (UK only)

Yep, I've gone mad... The Instagram swap has not yet fully finished before I kick off another swap, this time Facebook based. When sign-up closed yesterday evening 104 swappers had signed up. Everyone has now been allocated a partner to make for and the emails with all details should be sent out today or tomorrow.

The list of things to do...

With Instagram, I tend to forget to write blog posts about the sewing and crafting I have been doing, so here is the "guilty list", things I should share photos about: UK Mini Swap - what I sent and what I received UK Mini Swap - the swap as a whole   DONE! Scandi Bee March Scandi Bee April Modern Insta Bee February    DONE! Modern Insta Bee March   DONE! Modern Insta Bee April Modern Insta Bee - my quilt Modern Insta Bee - the whole year Festival of Quilts