The work with the pall for the Swedish Church in London is progressing, slowly. I published a photo of the middle section, the road, in October ( click for entry ). At the moment we are working on the four areas around the road, each representing a season. As everything is hand sewn it is a rather slow process, but great fun! Our latest thinking is that we should try to focus the summer season on blue, yellow and red to make sure they all match each other. Some of the "flowers" in the picture above has therefore been moved to other seasons or been put in the "perhaps" pile. A rough count in the photos shows that we have stitched together a little over 500 hexagons, plus the road; someone mentioned that we probably need around 2000...
Thanks, Katie x
The next one is likely to be for active Instagram users. Likely sign-ups during or just after the summer, with send date most likely November (before the Christmas chaos starts). If you are on Instagram, follow me there (bossyoz) and you should hopefully spot when sign-ups start.
For the next Facebook based one, keep an eye on UK Quilters United! I have added you as a member of the group. Lots of inspiration and friendly advise! Once the next swap starts I'll open up the mini swap group on Facebook again for new people to join.
Both versions will also be announced here on the blog. Typically sign ups are open for a week.