Designing 12" x 12" quilt blocks - THE NOTEBOOK!

I prefer working on paper when coming up with new designs for quilt blocks; it just feels more tangible seeing it all on a page! Also, it means I get time away from the screen. Working up over a dozen of designs recently I realised it would be much nicer to have them all in one book, rather than using random sheets of paper and sticking them in binders (or, more likely, misplacing them somewhere along the way).

I am already an Amazon author (after publishing the two books for UK Quilters United*), so I decided to look into the option of creating my own quilt designer notebook. After a bit of playing around and trying different designs, I settled on layout and content to capture my design ideas whilst at the same time allowing space for notes and cutting instructions. 

As many quilters seem to love purple, I decided on the colour of the cover and when searching for images I stumbled on the image to use. 

Quilt Block Designer journal is now live

I am pleased to say that the journal is now available from Amazon globally (click here to get it, or search for "nina danielsson"). I have already ordered a few copies and started filling them with my ideas for new quilt blocks. To show you what it looks like, I have taken photos of the pages with my Party Crown; this is a free pattern which can be downloaded from my shop on the UKQU website (click here to download the free pattern). 

I really like how clean and inspiring the cover looks.

The journal is split into 24 block sections, each starting with a cover page allowing me (and you!) to capture the name of the block, the idea behind it, techniques used, the planned colours and fabrics to use as well as other key information.

The second page in the section is a simple 12x12 grid with the mid points marked for ease of reference when designing the block. 

Finally, there are two lined pages available for notes. I use the first one of these for cutting instructions as it is facing the 12x12 grid where I have the quilt block design. 

To get your copy of the Quilt Block Designer journal, 
please head over to Amazon - click for direct link


* Books by and about UK Quilters United: UK Quilters United by a common thread, edited by Julie Passey,  and  UK Quilters United by a second thread, edited by Nina Danielsson,


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