UK Quilters United - the book club so far...

I love reading and I always like to try new types of books, as well as new authors. As a result of this I started a BOOK CLUB for QUILTERS, back in 2018. During a few months, when I was too busy, another quilter stepped in and selected the books, but I have been back selecting books for a while now. 

Every month a quilting related book is selected and posted on our website,, around the 20th of the month before. This is to allow everyone plenty of time to get hold of the books as sometimes they are only available second hand.

There are quite a few prolific quilting novel writers with Jennifer Chiaverini probably the most well-known. We have only picked one of her books for the book club, as there are so many others who are less well known. During the last two years we have read books by a wide variety of authors. The complete list is below;
  • The Last Runaway by Tracy Chevalier (info)
  • Sew Deadly by Elizabeth Lynn Casey (announced on Facebook)
  • The forgotten seamstress by Liz Trenow (read Liz’ story)
  • The Quilter’s Apprentice by Jennifer Chiaverini (announced in British Patchwork & Quilting only)
  • Alias Grace by Margaret Atwood (BP&Q only)
  • To Scotland with Love by Patience Griffin (BP&Q only)
  • Quilt as Desired by Arlene Sachitao (BP&Q only)
  • Happenstance by Carol Shields (BP&Q only)
  • The flower hunter’s cottage by Dee-ann Black (info)
  • The basement quilt by Ann Hazlewood (info)
  • The dressmaker of Khair Khana by Gayle Lemmon (info)
  • Fool’s Puzzle (a Benni Harper Mystery) by Earlene Fowler (info)
  • How to make an American quilt by Whitney Otto (info)
  • A fall of marigolds by Susan Meissner (info)
  • Behind the Scenes: Or, Thirty, a Slave, and Four Years in the White House by Elizabeth Keckley (info)
The book for November will be revealed tomorrow, 21 October on the UKQU website. To read that blog and all others I have written, please head over to my corner of the UKQU website


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