Scandi Bee mug rug is ready

In January 2015, we are kicking off a quilting bee called Scandi Bee. As the name suggests, it's for quilters living in or connected to the Scandinavian countries.

As a starter, we decided to make each other a mug rug for Christmas. We were split in two groups and one person from the other group allocated partners for us.

Stalking my partner on Instagram and Flickr, plus looking at her specially created inspiration mosaic, I decided it was time to make my first ever Dresden. Or, as it turned out, a quarter of a Dresden. Her feeds are very colourful, so I'm hoping this little cutie hits the spot.

Confession time; the bird and the branches are actually one piece of home dec fabric, on which I appliquéd the Dresden flower / sun. It feels great when an idea pops up, which then is possible to execute with the right fabrics.



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