UK Mini Swap - a mini quilt swap for us in the United Kingdom

After chatting to a few other quilters based in the United Kingdom, I put a feeler out on Instagram and Facebook to see if there is any interest in doing a Mini Quilt Swap for those with addresses in the United Kingdom.

Based on the many cheers and positive responses, I have this evening been working on the Swap Rules and the sign-up questions.

In short how it'll work:
Everyone who'd like to take part in the swap answers a few questions online. Based on the answers, everyone is assigned a Partner to make a mini quilt for. You make one for one person, and someone else is making you one. By publishing progress photos online, you interact with the other swappers, share ideas, and encourage each other along the way. You meet new people. You get to know them better. If you are lucky, your partner sees your progress photos and says s/he loves what you are doing. Believe me, that is FANTASTIC when that happens! To get the most out of the swap, it really helps being active on Instagram / Flickr / Pinterest.

Please stay tuned for further information!

Useful addresses:
Instagram:, hashtag #ukminiswap
And here on this blog of course,

Please feel free to join the United Kingdom Quilters United group on Facebook, where some of the action may well happen.

Small print: Joining any of the above groups doesn't guarantee you a place in the swap. I have some volunteers for Swap Mamas should there be a huge interest so everyone should be able to join in the fun!!!


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