Modern Insta Bee - September (catch-up post)

September was Cara's month. She picked the Stacked Windmills from the book  "Modern Bee - 13 quilts to make with friends", by Lindsay Conner. As we had already done this block before, I didn't do a test block in my usual colours of blue-red-white but went straight for it.

My block has, an almost hot pink centre block, some lovely Spirodraft corners and to round it off two light grey fabrics.

Nearing the end of September, Cara published the following photo on Instagram.

Previously, I had never even considered using grey in quilts, but after working with the block for Cara, I am absolutely and thoroughly in LOVE with it!!!

If you like to follow Cara, go and check out her blog or her Instagram feed.


I Cara's blocks! Such a nice way you used her palette.
BossyOz said…
I LOVE how it turned out. The Spirodraft fabric is probably on of my favourites ever. It was a very unusual colour combination for me. I have never even considered using grey and pink is not my colour for adult sewing.

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