My take on Festival of Quilts 2014 - part 2

This second post contains the more geometric and I guess modern quilts which caught my eyes at the Festival of Quilts this year.

I believe the following quilts were all submitted in the main competition; although not sure which category. Seeing quite a bit of overlap between the categories, it seems that what's modern to one person is traditional to another one. Perhaps time to have different types of categories. Categories that actually mean the same thing to all quilters.

The full quilt seen at a distance means you can't really see the awesomeness properly.

Here's a detail of the clever quilting. Suddenly the piecing is less important.

This one looked like a photo of fields from above.

These two felt like a pair and were hung next to each other.

There was a special area with a few of these city plans.

 This one was in the Fine Art section, and my favourite there.

One by Catrin in my Modern Insta Bee. This was in the Modern Quilt Guild stand.

As were these two.

I believe this was hung on the back of the Quilters Guild exhibition. A shame it was "hidden", but probably not considered traditional enough to get a space inside the stall...


aravind said…
very impressive collection of art works and I love all of this collection.

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