Charity Christmas Fair - opens Thursday 21 Nov

If you are in London, don't miss the Christmas Fair at the Swedish Church this Thursday, Saturday and Sunday!

As previous years, there'll be plenty of Swedish food and handicrafts, Swedish gingerbread (pepparkakor), homebaked bread, hard bread (knäckebröd), christmas sausages and cheese, hot pea soup (ärtsoppa med punch), elk, reindeer (renfilé), gravad lax, sandwiches, cakes (massor av hembakta kakor oct prinsesstårta), mulled wine (glögg), hot dogs, candles (ljus), Swedish glass, Christmas cards and much more…

Again, we are a dozen or so, who have been busy crafting hand made items which we are selling at one of the stalls. All profits go to the Church and typically we have all donated both material and time.

Due to Baby 3, my contribution was slightly less this year than previous times, although I believe the other ladies have been busy as always and there'll be plenty of amazing items to purchase.

Just make sure you are there early, as many items are unique and no duplicates can be made. The embroidery table runners usually sell within five minutes of the fair opening! 

Opening hours:
Thursday 21 Nov - 11-20
Friday 22 Nov - CLOSED
Saturday 23 Nov - 11-18
Sunday 24 Nov - 12-17

Swedish Church
6 Harcourt Street
London W1H 4AG 

Nearest tube station Edgware Road, Marylebone Station and Baker Street.


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