Baby quilt done - only need that baby to arrive!

This is my entry to the Blogger's Quilt Festival 2013.

The baby has arrived!!! 
Please see end of the post!

Presenting the Friendship Star and Tulip Baby Quilt:

So why this quilt?

First of all I am expecting our third child, it should in fact have arrived a week ago, but it is still hanging on in there. It has now been nick named The Squatter and an eviction order may been served any time now!

Secondly, I was sent some really yummy fabrics by one of my online quilting friends which I just HAD to use!

So, this was what I started with, all originally cut as 5x5 inch squares.

Based on what I had at hand, I sketched out a few different layouts based on quilt blocks I like. The friendship star block is one of my favourites and I knew I wanted to use it. At this stage I had (stupidly) already stitched together the HSTs, so had to make do with what I had. At times it felt like an IQ test...

This is what I came up with (excuse the hand drawn sketch!):

Here it is laid out with the HSTs and squares:

And finally some photos of the finished quilt:

Now, I am only hoping for that baby to make an appearance!!!
And for some sunshine, to be able to take some decent photos!

Our gorgeous, healthy baby GIRL arrived on Friday 1 November.

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Cynthia said…
Cute quilt! Great fabrics too! Good luck with the baby! Hope all goes well...and soon! :)
Aoife said…
It's a beautiful giant block! Now I'm interested to see what it would look like with lots of them... Love the colours you chose :)
Tracey Jacobsen said…
you are good! Can't wait to see a baby on there!
CitricSugar said…
Lovely ! You have a nice mix of gender-neutral colours that make it really refreshing! Congrats on the new addition. :-)
BossyOz said…
Thanks for the well-wishes!
We are back home with a gorgeous, healthy baby girl and I have added a photo at the end of the post with her sleeping under the quilt.
Aoife, I am thinking exactly the same thing! If you do make one with more blocks, please share a photo / link!!!
She was just waiting for you to finish her quilt! Rather considerate of her. ;)

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