Less sewing, more planning

Yepp, it's one of those times of the year again, when I am  not very productive when it comes to sewing (or at least sewing things that are worth sharing with anyone else).

Two interesting projects are also in the pipeline, one sewing and one non-sewing related.

The sewing one is to contribute to a new book by Momtaz Begum-Hossain, which she is putting together as a follow-up to her "101 Things To Do With Glitter" (due to be released early this autumn, pre-order on Amazon). I have been asked to create one or two projects for her new book, "101 Things To Do With xxx" (due autumn 2013) and I am really excited!!!

The other project which I am working on is setting up my own consultancy, Canny Partners Ltd.

The purpose of the company is to help organisations deliver projects, be it bidding, strategy, business planning or any other time defined project. We hope to help companies be more successful, by providing an extra, intelligent and skilled resource to cover a peak in workload.

The company is formally set up and bank accounts have been sorted. The "only" things left include serving my notice period at my current employer, securing clients and creating the home page.

Canny Partners' webpage


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