Fat quarter bundle - Sew Sea

Mmmm, I quite liked the challenge over at Quokka Quilts to create a fat quarter bundle with my favourite fabrics at the Fat Quarter Shop.

Sounds easy, right? I promise you, it wasn't!

When you have "millions of fabrics" to chose from, it's neigh impossible to only select 15, which all has to match with each other for a potential quilt. To limit the choices, I decided to go for a blue theme. Blue is always fresh, it reminds me of holiday and of the sea, it can work for grownups as well as boys and for girls (if adding in e.g. some red). At the time I started the selection there were surprisingly few blue fat quarter bundles.

OK, here it is:

Such a great marketing move by the guys at the Fat Quarter Shop!!!  Last day for entries in 15 January, but they already have over 300 entries! Wonder how many have created their bundles, and bough some fabric at the same time? Due to the huge interest, the FQS is going to select three (was one) winners who each get 1/2 yard of each of their chosen 15 fabrics.

First column (3 solids): BellaSolids-9900-1-67, Kona-K001-27, BellaSolids-9900-76
Second column: Sparkles-39055-400, Babysaurus-106-101-06-01, Lanikai-1-TEAL, PuttinOnTheRitz-28-07-51
Third column: GetTogether-PWDW066-NAVYX, AnchorsAway-45-BKUE, SewHeavenly-0831-02, BotBuddies-7544-7
Forth column: Lark-PWAB076-MIDNIGHT, FrenchCourt-C8773-BLUE, LarkPWAB070-COBALT, GoingCoastal-DC5155-NAVY-D


BossyOz said…
Done it, uploaded to Quokka Quilts!
I'm entry 312.
Laura said…
Very nice! Glad you had fun!
BossyOz said…
Thanks for hosing it Laura! And for managing to find time to comment on all our blogs!!!!

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