Some Christmas inspiration

Whahoooooo, I have managed to muster some Christmas feelings and created this seasonal dribble bib for toddlers.  

Most likely it'll be donated to the Christmas Fair. Unfortunately I'm not able to make it to tomorrow's sewing meet up, but I'll try to be busy at home instead!


Kikkan said…
Såg Dina fina grejer i kyrkan idag. Urgulliga saker. Var & fixade till en hel del av hexagon täcket i em, fortsatte sedan till kyrkan & smällde i mig en kanelbulle, det var ju kanelbullensdag idag i Sverige. Kram
Kikkan said…
Sorry, wrote the last message in mother tongue, but the cinnamon bun was lovely, just like all you creations. ♥
BossyOz said…
Hopefully the fair goers will like them too and pay a decent price for them!

Now I really NEEEEED to bake some kanelbullar during the weekend!


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