Donations delivered

Yesterday I dropped off the first set of items for the Christmas fair. Some of these are old things I have had in my cupboards for some time, others are newly made specially for the Christmas fair.

A baby hat with fleece lining:

Scarves or dribble bibs:
Bag with waterproof lining:
 Small odds and sods bag with gingham lining:
 Crinkly square toy, great for little ones!
Fleece hats, one with monkeys, the other one with helicopters and airplanes:
Two Sweden inspired fleece hats in yellow and blue:
Three fleece hats with vehicles and coloured fleece:
Pencil roll:

Fingers crossed that the items can attract buyers and thus help the Church raise money for their activities!


Kikkan said…
Clever you that already delivered some things for the Christmas fete. I will probably take stuff with me to Torsdag klubben in October..I now have a bag full of odds & sods... I'll bring some photos, showing some of the new items I've sewn, next time Syjuntan meets up 04 october, in Herne Hill. Kram ♥♥♥
S said…
Nån känner jag igen! :) Hehe! Tjusiga!

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