Snuggler, nursing cover, blankets, scarves and baby hat

Here are some of my finished projects and one UFO...

The UFO, a.k.a. the snuggler by Lotta Jansdotter. It will not be finished (only lacking the velcro), unless someone wants it... I found the design very impractical when trying to put my little daughter in it as you had to wiggle her into it and with a floppy wobbly-worm this was not the easiest. A plain swaddling blanket is far more practical in my opinion.

A nursing cover made in light muslin and with no boning as I personally prefer the cover to be fully flexible.
Baby hat in fleece and jersey, also from Lotta Jansdotter. Actually another disappointment. Why on earth would someone design a hat in new born sizes with a seam at the back??? The baby's head is so soft, why have bulky fabric there?

Some baby blankets and finally some scarves / dribble bibs in a variety of fabrics including fleece, jersey and cotton.


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