New online address from 1 April 2022
After more than ten years I've decided to cancel the domain, so from 1 APRIL 2022 you'll find me at the free website address . In fact, EVERYTHING on my website is ALREADY on blogspot/blogger, but I've got the domain showing as the address so there is no exporting / importing to be done. I'll check internal links after the shift, but fingers crossed all should work smoothly. To confirm, my patterns, external blogs and quilting & sewing t-shirts remain in their usual places as below. ACTION: Please update your bookmark to BossyOz: Useful links BOOKS, PLANNERS & T-SHIRTS FOR SALE: Quilt Block Designer Journal - 24 blocks (4 pages per block): Quilt Block Planner - 40 blocks (2 pages per block): Quilting and sewing t-shirts: UK Quilters United by a common thread, edited by Julie Passey,...