2017 in review - trying out improv curves

My challenge to myself for 2017 was to try curves in the context of quilting. I have never had any issues with inserting sleeves in jackets or shirts, but never really tried my hand a curves for quilting (except some blocks for Rosanne during Modern Insta Bee). After having a lovely lunch with Jenny of Papper Sax Sten , she convinced me that I could do it! She also provided me with some templates to make it easier. Pretty chuffed that I managed to make this sunflower bag (with more of Jo's fabrics). Later in the year, I attended one of Jenny's classes and made these inset improv circles. The little dot in the bottom left area is glue, which came out with a little bit of water. I am amazed that I have managed to go from a complete beginner, afraid of curves, to this in less a year. In class, I also made these improv quarter circle blocks. Some further improv curves made after the class (sorry about the horribel night time colours in some of the phot...