ScandiBee for December - X marks the spot

Looking through the posts on the blog, I realised I haven't actually blogged about the ScandiBee blocks I've made SINCE FEBRUARY!!!! Everything has been shared on Instagram, but nothing on the blog. I've said it before, and I'll say it again; Instagram really kills my blog! For December, Hanne asked us to make the "X marks the spot" block, in any colours we liked. It is not a difficult block, but it is rather time consuming. 28 HSTs, four smaller solid squares and one larger patterned square, for each of the blocks. That's a lot of cutting and trimming..... As I had cut the first two blocks in scrappy coloured fabric, and the instructions later was confirmed as exactly five fabrics plus low volume for the background, I ended up making four blocks. The yellow and blue are "as per specifications", whereas the red and pink are using too many fabrics. Still, the red one is my favourite. Each block ends up at 12 1/2 inch square. For t...