52 quilters - a social experiment in quilty communication
Phew, I have just signed off as the host for 52 Quilters, a social experiment in quilty communication. Each week of 2015 a new quilter takes over the account and can more or less post whatever he or she likes. On Instagram, I currently have just over 600 followers, whereas the 52quilters account had almost 3,000 followers. No pressure there! If you have followed the 52quilters account on Instagram you have seen quite a few photographs, whereas Twitter has been a bit more neglected. This is also typically the case for my own online presence. The ease of using Instagram has almost "killed" this blog and definitely my Twitter. It's hard to show quilting in only words and photos are so much easier on Instagram than on a blog. During the week, I posted twelve photos on Instagram and below I'll tell you a bit more about some of them. BossyOz as 52quilters on Instagram Fabric and quilt shops : I am fortunate to live in London (United Kingdom), which means I hav...