UK Mini Swap - three weeks left

We are all busy The activity on the Instagram hashtags has been increasing as we are coming closer to the end of the first UK Mini Swap. Here are some of the progress photos found when searching for our hashtag on Instagram. For the latest entries, please see New partners A few people have dropped out and we have reallocated partners. A HUGE THANK YOU to those who has accepted making for a new partner this late in the process. Hopefully, this way, everyone who is making a mini, should also get one back. Labelling your mini How you label your mini is completely up to you, but as a minimum I suggest you add your name and that of the receipient plus UK Mini Swap. Perhaps also add the name of the mini, the date, your web page, etc. Earlier on, I was asked if I had any templates for the labels. I am no graphic designer, but as I like to try to be helpful, I have made two different designs; in colour and pure black ...